Monday, September 23, 2013

Design and Testing

Up to this point, I have managed to get a base landscape planned out, and although I plan to revise the artwork and style a bit, especially as I move into scene into multiple versions of itself (differing times/states), I am rather happy with what I have currently:

It's a bit tough to try and resolve the ink-style painting with the woodblock style, or color, or honestly even itself. Further research into the sumi-e style has given insight to multiple different approaches.

But being as this is an early stage model that was intended more for layout reasons, so I'm not so worried about getting the style exactly down as trying to nail down exactly what I want for the style, and being able to start loosely laying out objects on a page.

In fact, I currently have a test page that is mostly laid out, and I've been fiddling with javascript interactivity, though more in an attempt to remember exactly what I'm doing than anything else.

Unfortunately, I also lost about an hour and a half of work time to an attempt to create a subtle animation of the big yellow tree (like a light rustling in the wind). Mostly I learned that that the liquefy filter in photoshop does some weird things to an image besides the intentional distortions.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, comments form the first small group crit: You really need to think about what little thing can be measured/input, and how that change will effect the other screens. But before even this, you need to solidify your concept. What is your 'backstory' that drives the overall concept? One thing that came to mind as I was reading your blog are BEES. When you talked about someone stepping on something like crushing flowers, and also started to think of the Japanese Cherry trees and their blossoms, and then about how the bees are the markers of ecosystem health,which brought me back to human's impact on these bees and what it will mean if we lose our pollineators! ( I also had a field trip to the orchards with my daughter last week, which had bees on my mind). Anyway, that's one thing that came to me that connects - but what is it for you? What connects the e-sumi style you want (can you post some examples on your blog?) AND the concept. Figure that out and then go and start working on the graphics and figure out the interactivity.
